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One more day in which I'm allowed to speak freely.
On other platform I managed to shake off the lethargy from some people, but they are too few.
There's only one hope: people to start acting and remove the tyrants from power. Tyrants in power are the terrorists now.

These might be my last words. If I vanish I tell you form the start: I have not killed myself.
"I need some more
More energy
It's wonderful
It comes to me, but so slowly..."

3 more days until I will stop existing online for either few days or maybe a month or more. The deep scan result will decide about that.

Caught again Facebook attempting to inject spyware and malware into my PC.

"sour grapes"? 

Oh boy, you too surely have your share of "sour grapes" there: 【国内ニュース】大洗で外国人とみられる全裸男が、車を襲撃。動画が公開される。【速報】

Nothing more than another conspiracy theory which of course I would see it this way. 🤭 Happy Spiking.
P. S. I pray for everybody to not be forced to go through such thing

10AM, 33°C outside already, indoors maintaining 29.5°C with 51% humidity. 44°C expected today according to the new forecast 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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