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If today wasn't painful, then nothing is painful.
No painkiller has worked.

I just happen to be 47, and it's not about my age 🤣🤪

missing some good strong winds here....
We have another heatwave ongoing, 28°C at night, 42C daytime. And I just made me a new dress 🤪🤣👗

There are zoomable on my google photo, but there's definitely something strange going on in the skies. One plane, it's obvious. But the other streaks? Meteorites? Fighter jets? ... ummmm.... UFO? 🤪

Just received the results from the second foreign lab, confirming my XXY syndrome. No meds needed for it, since I lived my whole life with it 🤣 :gumi1:


and I think I know why these swap apps are going crazy now too🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 even when I'm way older 🤭😜🤣🤪

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In conclusion:
With all these strange effects, I'm a straight man. I love ladies, but I'm too awkward and not-ready all the time to develop any sort of relations. so... I'm me. and that's all that matters.

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Fourth, no matter how much I was trying to do bodybuilding in late teens early 20's, even with steroids, I would remain slim, and somewhat undeveloped torso, having a general weakness in whole body.
This weakness has amplified once I got the brain tumor, due to the partial paralysis, lymphatic system damage, and such.
Fifth, and this is the funniest: THAT'S WHY I LOVE SKIRTS AND DRESSES 🤣 and I also loved having long hair, while claiming that "I'm a rocker!" 🤣

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So, being born with, not being discoverable until now because of the age, it's the reason to many unexplainable things were happening to me.
First, I started speaking quite late, and learnt to speak Hungarian only until I was 5.
Second, very much a crybaby all the time, even when it was supposedly to be manly enough.
Third, physical malformation because my legs would grow longer than usual, which has led to vascular disease in advanced state.

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With the scan and analysis many things have become clear. One thing is that I will have to live with open wounds until the end. Another, besides being immune to all sort of flu variants (yes, it's a flu, nothing more!), I got answers to life long questions, which I will disclose here.
But it's kinda funny, and even doc is making fun of me now, knowing that I was born with this syndrome which has a name like it's being spoken by Hitler: Klinefelter syndrome. -->

Just to hear how Yui Horie would sound with my orchestration and GUMI back-vocals .... Dreams... dreams... 「由衣堀江」恋する天気図「VOCALOID Part COVER」

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