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I remember all the years of hunger, all the years when I tirelessly have worked days and nights, so people could have the Fan Made Voclaoid Concerts. Now what? Banned? LOL... China has got me.

Full moon. Very quiet, very still, and very dusty atmosphere, it's the heatwave.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Going to have the clutch replaced on Mitsu very soon.
Tomorrow will go to the store and see what I can find.

Now to get ready for at least 10 days of 40°C to 50°C. Sahara here I come! 🤪 Naaahhh... Sahara comes here instead 😆

Was quite a nice ending for the festivities, this particular show has lots of promise.

I see that you have 46°C. It's worse than we had because of the humidity. Please take care.
The same heat will hit here too next week for 3 days. But before that, 4 days of useless noises because the city is celebrating its festival 🤪😅

TOday it's a lucky day, I got 6000 nico ad points 🤪

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