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I'm waiting for someone says "I'm your father"

So happy to see you guys still creating!
I have to wait until the new pressure regulation surgery to be able to record anything new.

We are discovering many "twitter bots", all saying the same thing at once, in an orchestrated push to convince users to take the jab, or to try pushing against relaxation.
Also we discovered Chinese propaganda CCP infiltrating and altering Facebook ads.
When I was showing the first results of my research, my Huawei phone got inoculated with PEGASUS, but I managed to remove and clean it.
Talking about surveillance state globally 🤣

The "news" outlets are being exposed to tell lies, especially in USA. Manipulating the population through disinformation, and claiming that only "their information is the true one" but when confronted with the facts they run away.
I don't watch any of the official news which are playing the narrative. Not even the Romanian news. Propaganda is very strong and dangerous.

Viruses are most immune to alcohol, unlike bacteria. People are often mistake and mix the two. Also, the mask works great for preventing bacterial spreading, but the viral spreading is the same as without mask. And mask is also turning against the one wearing it if the maximum usage time of 2 hours is exceeded, causing respiratory diseases. That's from a military neuro-surgeon general, who happens to be my doc.

Cooling myself with a ZERO alcohol Ursus beer. It's strange, but it has the desired effect.

Never used the disinfectants. And I don't have to change my habits of washing. This is what it is: natural immunity to such flu.
The worst in the world is the FEAR.
F.E.A.R. also means First Encounter Assault Recon (the game) - you know about? I loved that game 🤣

The more data I receive and the more information, the less I feel confident in the knowledge and I start asking more questions. 🤣

Nobody knows the long term effects.
But the short term effects are already well documented.
But even with the well documentation, the government entities are censoring the data. I have to go through other "underground channels" to have the entire list, and it's NOT online.

I'm not afraid of the flu of any form. If there is one, bring it on, I'm going through it like through any others. The fear is worse than the flu.

Before having it, please consider to have the laboratory test of antibodies. There's no need of it if natural immunity is present. The medic will provide every detail.

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The most concerning reaction in my view is not the constant high fever, but the neurological effect of numbness in the legs. I won't say any more than that I had few acquaintances with the same effect.

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Looking after miss Asakawa Yuu, she's keeping a twitter diary of evolution after vaccine. I never told her anything, never encouraged or discouraged, it was her decision. But I'm afraid the side effects are a bit too brutal. Wishing her well.

Please don't forget to wish mr. Murakami Noboru a happy birthday today. But don't tell him that I told you. 😁 :dot_gumi:

having to wait for the appropriate time for my morning medicines. Meanwhile.... trying to lower the temperature indoors a little, 46°C is expected today here.

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