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What I don't like at D-110 is the very slight wobble when it plays a sequence, the tempo goes slightly off with fraction of seconds hiccups.

It's going to be a very "interesting" day today, we're in red alert. Something BIG is coming my way

Big storm running away, while drawing in more heat in the city 🥵🥵🥵

Wishing that I would have had a regular beer instead of the zero alcohol one, since I'm forced to stay in bed 🛌

Neighbours above pharmacy reporting outside temperatures 51°C. As expected. 🥵

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ボーカロイド好きが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ** This server is for "Vocaloid" lovers. If you are not, please select other server. **
