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Aaaaaannnnnd I can't believe it's Friday evening already... again! 🤣

First snow falling, but it's still too warm for it to settle

I remember back in 2011 how hard I worked to convince several Japanese friends to join Facebook. Now it seems it was a bad choice. But they aren't using it as much anymore either. And soon they will leave Twitter too, unless there's a good commercial reason to stay on it and promote their products.

Why would someone consider giving the corrupt platforms money to advertise? Facebook and Twitter are both compromised.
I'm on Gab if I really need to discuss things concerning the world's future.

Life without social media virus is quite pleasant, you know? 🤣

Next to be "discarded" from the corrupt platforms is Facebook.
Tonight I'm closing it all.
People can find me here, on the "secret" twitter for occasionally sharing AHS and Internet content, maybe my next song. And yes, I'm on GAB.
Can't stand the brainwashed people anymore. And there are plenty on failbug, too many.

I gave up on Twitter (main account)
not need it anymore, although I will miss the cute drawings there. But it was totally useless, the same as the Facebook artist page.

Anime style 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I see that in some parts of Japan it's snowing so much, a meteor shower will get totally unnoticed

I have the strange feeling that this year's "image" would be a meteorite striking the Earth.
Don't know why.

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