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Romanian media, after siding with CNN, and after seeing a total failure of the propaganda, is now promoting "the Martian Plague" 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤣

Disclosure after careful observation. 

And the last: The way everything has been put together, after very careful analysis it shows that aside the virus itself, the spike protein is the bioweapon.
The virus has affected me in a relatively major way, the paralysis is stronger, my pancreas is nearly failing, and my wounds would stay open forever.
Imagine what would be if I would "feed" the spike protein production! I would be a mushroom, scattering "spores" of spike protein everywhere before death.

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Disclosure after careful observation. 

In parallel, I'm observing the development of the things: and I see how the "Nürnberg 2.0" is about to happen.
Crimes against humanity trials soon.

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Disclosure after careful observation. 

I know many people around here. And I know which one got vaccinated and from which company.
The more I observe them, the more obvious the differences are. I took pictures of them before, and comparing them by week.
The strongest change in apparel comes at those who got Moderna, followed closely bey Pfizer. A-Z doesn't counts too much on the apparel, but it destroys faster the internals.
My doc has documented the adverse reactions, and said "NO JAB FOR YOU!"

Before the 3 days long storm which has triggered orange level warnings in my region.

Went to the lake, first attempt got out of focus. Better focused in this second attempt. But the clouds have started gathering, so I don't have a Milky Way core in these pics 🤪😅

Definitely I'm a neutrino, not managing to interact with matter🤣
No new plays on this improvisation under paralysis.

I like how the Bösendorfer piano on Montage8 has all the sounds sampled, including the mechanical sounds. It really FEELS like playing the real one! 🤗

Even if I know it would be my last chance to get some petrol for Mitsu, I would NEVER use such methods!
Like I said: Extinction level zero knowledge

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Uhhh... I think I will have to do it in the rough way.
If I have to do a full repaint, it will cost me roughly 8000 RON (about 215000 JPY) !!!!!
Need expertise, perhaps it will be needed only full polish and patches of paint.

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