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Good that I have installed surveillance! This morning, a neighbour, who by the way shouldn't have parked that lorry on that spot, taking another neighbour's dedicated parking spot, has scratched my Mitsu on the right side quite bad. Here's the video, and will post the pics in reply to this post.

I want to make a new song. But my hands are not moving as I want or as I need them to move. It's hard to be a paralysed musician.

The last 4 songs are doing good, especially for a banned creator like myself. 🙏🙏🙏✨

I'm still fascinated by this Japanese paint, it changes nuances depending on the light source. Excellent product, and I love it.

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After being brown from the Saharan dirt, I managed to wash Mitsu again, shiny, sparkling Mitsu ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏😁😊🤪

Heatwave (30°C already) and the forecast for tomorrow's Saharan dirt invasion. Tomorrow is also the Orthodox Easter.

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