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Please don't get me wrong.

Is one of the best ways to beat the system and the censorship.

If you could help me convince many people who would buy the songs, I would definitely get a chance to have my hearing restored!

And of course, once I get back to create, the new songs will be free.

Please help. Thank you.

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Grok has started finally to discern, and to not draw me as a girl 🤪🤣


What I have received from you it was really welcome, and it is covering this month's basic expenses.
I wish there could be done more, more people to buy the songs. The more the better. And maybe that way I will no longer be "the cancelled producer" either.
Yet, only God knows what could be done, so I could afford the surgery to restore my hearing. More songs I have in mind, but can't make them in the current state.
Please, HELP me sell the songs.
Many thanks.

Finally I managed to clean Mitsu, shiny inside, shiny outside 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏

New update 

Finally, I have power, I have gas, and I have food! Thank you so much! 🙏🙏🙏


Bandcamp still has not processed the money.
Meanwhile, I recharged my phone at my neighbour, who also gave me a slice of pizza.
It's really good to have a decent neighbour.
It's so dark and cold now in my apartment....

Still having to wait for the payment processing, but I manage to hold up. Once I have money, first thing is to pay the bills and restore power and gas. Once that is done, I can have some food for myself. I think tomorrow.




Bandcamp ってPatreonみたいなサブスクの継続支援みたいなのなかったっけ? 「ニュートリノPを毎月支援するサブスク会員」みたいなのがあればいいんだけどな。







Survived 15 days without food. Nobody is helping. Power and gas have been cut, I'm in a dark and cold apartment with mom, we haven't paid our bills yet. I wonder for how long I must suffer....

12 days without food.
Hallucinations are occurring so often, I started to barely be able to discern them from reality.

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