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Bandcamp still has not processed the money.
Meanwhile, I recharged my phone at my neighbour, who also gave me a slice of pizza.
It's really good to have a decent neighbour.
It's so dark and cold now in my apartment....

Still having to wait for the payment processing, but I manage to hold up. Once I have money, first thing is to pay the bills and restore power and gas. Once that is done, I can have some food for myself. I think tomorrow.

@tomoki @m_a Yes, is very sensitive. They have turned me down when I got my tumour, have declared me "healthy" without even wanting to do at least a XRay, and had no choice than to get out of their corrupt system.

@m_a Nope. Nothing.
I have no rights in here. But I must pay taxes so I would not lose my apartment. Is that difficult the "democracy" in Romania has made it for me. And then everybody is wondering why I became so vocal with politics on X



@m_a Add to this issue the fact that I am outside of the system since 1997. Impossible to return into it, and not willing to do so either.


Bandcamp ってPatreonみたいなサブスクの継続支援みたいなのなかったっけ? 「ニュートリノPを毎月支援するサブスク会員」みたいなのがあればいいんだけどな。

@decoybird Mail received within minutes, but the payment processing takes 1-2 business days.







@tomoki Many thanks.!
Please convince more people to buy the songs.
In reality I have extreme poverty now, no electricity and gas, and nobody else is helping me with the surgery either.
I can't believe how bad it is.
I wish I could repay your kindness someday 🙏

Survived 15 days without food. Nobody is helping. Power and gas have been cut, I'm in a dark and cold apartment with mom, we haven't paid our bills yet. I wonder for how long I must suffer....

12 days without food.
Hallucinations are occurring so often, I started to barely be able to discern them from reality.

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