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Now since everything seems to be working, going back to the schedule: wasting time and drinking today's dose of Jack Daniels 🤪🤪🤪🤪😂

Bad connector from ageing: the power connector for SSD was slightly deformed, so at least one ground contacts was unstable. Changed to another power slot, now it works... PHEW~~~

This is not how golden plated contact should look like 🤣 Must clean them 👌

My PC has a funny behaviour, no errors, no issues, but occasionally freezing on POST upon restarting. I think it's just an imperfect connection with the SSD data port

While waiting for the pc to finish the long task of restoration, I looked outside...


処女作を今できる技術で作り直して、動画も新たなものが完成しました。ボーカルをミクからささらに変更した『あの空の向こう (2019)』、1月22日のさとうささら誕生祭に公開予定です。


I must confess, I'm a little jealous on everyone who has good calligraphy skills. If I would have to write something, not even a pharmacist would decipher what I wrote! 😂😂😂😂😂

Doing something I've done very rarely: blasting my neighbours with powerful sounds from my last song while cooking 😂😂😂😂

OK, time for me to act again like the chef of the house 😊 Food has to be prepared, it doesn't prepares itself 😅 Be back later 😊 :dot_gumi:

And of course, I'm counting on the "feeling" to be transmitted. The feeling then will give a meaning to the whole.

Even in my new song, the "literal translation" didn't had any meaning to English people (especially from UK), but some of them, which have gotten used to the Japanese slang, have "felt" it was the correct translation. It is very important to have the feeling transmitted. If the reader hasn't experienced even a bit of "slice of life" from Japan, then the translation is meaningless 😊

The epic translations issues, huh? The same thing happens if Romanian sentences are literally translated to English: no context at all. Apparently there is a regional adaptation needed, which often ends up meaning something else than the original. But the translators are trying to give the feeling, more than the meaning, so the effect is understandable.

Which reminds me: how my Mitsu is doing? I should be able to go out first to check it out...

One request I have to all of you. As soon as you have a chance, please post photos of your surroundings. Anything you see interesting is of high interest to me, since I'm again unable to go out of my apartment, and it will be a while until I will be able to go out. So is an extremely high pleasure to me to see many other places m(__)m many thanks in advance m(__)m

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