Original song 「Callisto」 feat. VOCALOID Macne Nana available on Bandcamp! If you purchase the single, it comes with a high-quality illustration from the video!

@neutrinoP Yeah, I think when it comes down to it, I'll probably make up a harmony that sounds nice, or at the very least lower it an octave. Thank you so much for the help! 😄

@neutrinoP Is it? I'm bad when it comes to listening to the harmony, and my friend claimed he couldn't hear it because it was too quiet or something, so I've been stuck. 😣

@neutrinoP Yeah, that one! (I'm sorry, I should have linked the song to you lol)
I finished the melody and tuned it months ago, but I barely worked on the harmony because I can't work it out.

@neutrinoP "Massive Explosion", from Dissidia Final Fantasy. It's really difficult to hear to harmony, and I can't find music sheet for the vocals. 😭

I feel like me trying to figure out this harmony for a song I'm covering is the equivalent of the Yo-Yo Man vine, where I'm the man, and the harmony is the Yo-Yo Master.

@MystSaphyr Nice, thank you! Thanks for advertising too, I'm excited to give this a shot. :D

Hello! I'm Azusa, and I'm trying my best, I swear. ;w;


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