@neutrinoP Ah so you're not involved anymore either..? ;;

@MystSaphyr Nope. I.... "retired" 😅 Mostly due to my condition... Otherwise I would have keep on signing contracts and permissions, and create the shows on my style (which seems to be hated enough be self-entitled Ps 😝 hahaha)

@neutrinoP I had a few issues with how SRP was fun but overall it was a promising project;; (I was never contacted to do art for reward tiers...)

@MystSaphyr With me as C.O.O. and main production master it wasn't "fun" at all 😂 I demanded quality at least as low as I could make, if not higher. (C.O.O. it is indeed a coo in real life 😂 )

@neutrinoP oh shoot I just realize I typoed, I meant "issues with how SRP was RUN" not fun! lol

@MystSaphyr SRP was ran fairly as a company though, we didn't accepted lower quality than what myself could do, my quality was the lowest level admitted. Sadly, only few have rose at this level 😢 and I hoped for so much more...


@neutrinoP Wolf made the KS project live before I could proofread it;; and I don't know if supporters got their rewards in the end (certainly no art from me;; ) but other than that the shows themselves were very well done!

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