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I finished the cover with IA on Mobile VOCALOID Editor... should I post it here?

|・ω・`) I'm nervous w

I hope I did not make lyrical mistakes... w

@neutrinoP You know, the “new music” sentiment is why this year’s Miku Expo was especially exciting? Instead of reusing the same 2009-2011 songs for the umpteenth time they featured a lot of music from at least the last 3-4 years. Which by general standards is still a little old, but it was good to see that they’re trying something new rather than a rehash of “Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder” and “Magnet” and the same 3 wowaka songs 😂

@neutrinoP They are! They’ve had 2 song contests to promote music for their more underused featured VOCALOIDs, and they’re adding other stuff from a lot of newer P’s

I finally bought Miku's Tape 2018! I hope the SONOCA download card works properly.

My friend only was able to download half the songs...

@neutrinoP (I was worried about even namedropping VOCAMERICA since I know Aki left SRP on kind of bad terms)

@neutrinoP I think she took that to advice later actually, because she's been careful on trying to keep most motion calmer now lol. Except for one Ruby motion they ended up tossing early on

@neutrinoP I've experienced that by proxy with VOCAMERICA OTL

I always want to speak up and say things when people badmouth it, but I know people will be like "you're involved in the project with Aiko, your opinions don't count"

And it's not like I want to defend every choice Aki makes, she's made some poor decisions, but it's disheartening to see some of the baseless negativity

@neutrinoP Language aside, I'm just concerned as to whom you might be subtooting;;

@neutrinoP Hmm yeah, it would be very venue-dependent and would require probably more than what most conventions could manage.

@neutrinoP I hope someday one of the overseas concert projects will be able to have proper live music, or at least maybe live DJing?

@neutrinoP Wolf made the KS project live before I could proofread it;; and I don't know if supporters got their rewards in the end (certainly no art from me;; ) but other than that the shows themselves were very well done!

@neutrinoP oh shoot I just realize I typoed, I meant "issues with how SRP was RUN" not fun! lol

@neutrinoP I had a few issues with how SRP was fun but overall it was a promising project;; (I was never contacted to do art for reward tiers...)

@neutrinoP Ah so you're not involved anymore either..? ;;

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