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@Azusa Hello! I followed you on both accounts 👍

@VocaMew @thicctora See we gotta adapt. Like that one hero who immediately said “I am a ninja” in English the instant we all started posting. 私はカウガールです。

@mistfiner Thanks!

I am glad to find another Mobile VOCALOID Editor user! I have :dot_ia: on my iPad!

@manbou It is like... clubDAM's "Nipponglish" karaoke lyrics!

This method is a good reference for pronunciation.

@manbou Oh! I have made Japanese VOCALOID sing English before. 🤔

@thicctora I might give it a shot! I just kind of want to go through my old textbooks again since they were good, I was just really bad at paying attention in class

I have my old Genki textbooks... maybe I should go through them chapter by chapter again 😂

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@VocaMew oh wait no scratch that it just took a minute for your icon to propagate on dot art LOL

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Myst boosted

@tomoki I just posted about mastodon on Twitter, and users are finding vocalodon on their own now! 😂 I'm glad though!

(I hide on vocalodon sometimes... even if I do not post 😂) I moved instances to for my main if you wanna follow there!!


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ボーカロイド好きが集うMastodonインスタンス、通称「ボカロ丼(ボカロドン)」です。 ** This server is for "Vocaloid" lovers. If you are not, please select other server. **
