@neutrinoP Ah so you're not involved anymore either..? ;;

@MystSaphyr Nope. I.... "retired" 😅 Mostly due to my condition... Otherwise I would have keep on signing contracts and permissions, and create the shows on my style (which seems to be hated enough be self-entitled Ps 😝 hahaha)

@neutrinoP I had a few issues with how SRP was fun but overall it was a promising project;; (I was never contacted to do art for reward tiers...)

@MystSaphyr With me as C.O.O. and main production master it wasn't "fun" at all 😂 I demanded quality at least as low as I could make, if not higher. (C.O.O. it is indeed a coo in real life 😂 )

@neutrinoP oh shoot I just realize I typoed, I meant "issues with how SRP was RUN" not fun! lol

@MystSaphyr SRP was ran fairly as a company though, we didn't accepted lower quality than what myself could do, my quality was the lowest level admitted. Sadly, only few have rose at this level 😢 and I hoped for so much more...

@MystSaphyr YOu know they are still using the same old renderings I did back then? 😂

@neutrinoP I hope someday one of the overseas concert projects will be able to have proper live music, or at least maybe live DJing?

@MystSaphyr nope. it was a project MikuUK, the boss simply gave up because it gave him deep depression. All the issues imaginable, from poor motion data (they were using CInema4D!) he was making the models btw, good models... to venue issues like poor grounding and the click track of the band was leaking in the front PA... unimaginable issues!

@neutrinoP Hmm yeah, it would be very venue-dependent and would require probably more than what most conventions could manage.

@MystSaphyr hope I didn't used a "too strong language" this time 😝 😂

@neutrinoP Language aside, I'm just concerned as to whom you might be subtooting;;

@MystSaphyr lol to you of course, even if everybody is free to see. Like usual I have nothing to hide 😊

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